PROGRESS further opens your inner avenues towards shift, transformation, and better ways of being. In doing so it equips you with skills and tools to support others in their growth too.
PROGRESS consists of 4 modules each one building on the previous and culminating in the ability to become certified as a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP].
The first module will help you answer the 3 key existential questions: "Who am I?", "Why am I here?", "What would I like?".
You will learn about the key tenets of NLP, you will understand the components of human experience in new ways, and you will know what it takes to articulate outcomes and goals that cannot not be achieved.
By the end of module 1 you will have renewed clarity, purpose, and direction.
> Module I is comprised of 4 x 4 hour workshops, each taking place on a Saturday and Sunday
> Until it is safe for us to be in a room together, each workshop will take place over Zoom. You can participate from anywhere in the world.
> Module I stands alone as a learning experience and is jam packed full of great stuff. Modules II, III, & IV come as a package deal.
> We could all use a little more connection and community. Especially as we recover from recent times. To that end, we're offering PROGRESS Module I to you as our gift, free of charge, Yep. you pay zilch. With zero obligation to participate any further.
Through module II & III you will explore the building blocks of human experience.
By the end of these modules you will have propelled your ability to be rapport with yourself, other selves, and life itself.
Module II & III will further enable your excellence and will equip you with tools that will dramatically improve your relationships.
Module IV, the final module will provide you with skills, tools, and techniques that you can deploy when working with others.
You will learn these experientially which means you will also experience your own personal transformation too.
Successful completion of Modules I through IV unlocks the opportunity to certify as a Practitioner of NLP.
> Module II, III, & IV each comprise of 4 x 4 hour workshops, each taking place on a Saturday and Sunday
> Until it is safe for us to be in a room together, each workshop will take place over Zoom. You can participate from anywhere in the world.
> Modules II, III, & IV come as a package deal.
> Your investment for Modules II, III, & IV is $3000.00.
> Successful completion of Modules II, III, & IV unlock the opportuntity to certify as a Practitioner of NLP. Ask us for more information about this, here.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short, is the study of subjective experience; of how humans make meaning and create results in their life.
> NEURO: refers to our nervous systems, senses, and internal wiring.
> LINGUISTIC: refers to the language and labels we use to code, order, and give meaning to information we gather through our senses.
> PROGRAMMING: the patterns that we run to create behaviors that lead to our outcomes and results.
NLP emerged from two movements that had reached young maturity in the 1970s - The Human Potential Movement and the Cognitive Psychology Movement
NLP's founders - Richard Bandler [a mathematician, computer scientist, and therapist] and John Grinder [a world-renowned linguist] - were heavily influenced by some key figures in these movements including:
> Alfred Korzybski, a Polish-American scholar famous for his work General Semantics and for his 1933 tome, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics
> Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt Therapy, a client-centered approach to psychotherapy that helps clients focus on the present and understand what is really happening in their lives right now, rather than what they may perceive to be happening based on past experience.
> George A Miller, Eugene Galanater, & Karl Pribram, cognitive psychologists and authors of Plans & the Structure of Behavior (1960) which aimed to explain how we do what we do in order to get our results [i.e. how our programming works].
> Gregory Bateson, an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, and systems thinker whose writings include Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) and Mind and Nature (1979). Bateson and colleagues also developed the influential double-bind theory of schizophrenia.
> Milton Erickson, the grandfather of indirect hypnotherapy and an American psychiatrist who specialized in family therapy.
> Noam Chomsky, an American linguist, philosopher, and a major figure in analytic philosophy and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science.
> Virginia Satir, an American award-winning pioneer in family therapy. She is also known for creating the Satir Change Process Model, a psychological model developed through clinical studies. Change management gurus embrace this model to define how change impacts organizations.
Here are some kind words that previous participants of PROGRESS have shared with us about their experience:
"I can already see how these learnings are going to help me be a better leader, partner, parent, and friend. Thank you."
DD, Senior Advertising Professional.
"One of the most connecting, curiosity-sparking, and interesting weekends of this past year."
PW, Career Coach.
"Thank you, Soul Full, for this new program to help me learn and connect with amazing humans."
CC, Project Director.
"That was like therapy, a psychology class, and the best first date all rolled into one."
RB, Fitness Professional.
"Grateful for a weekend of self-development, to meet some really interesting people/minds, and to add some practical tools to my tool belt that are immediately useful in my clinical work."
JM, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist.
"I realized that healing isn't about fixing what is wrong with me, but is more about gently exploring and accepting the parts of me I have been trying to reject."
KM, Educator.