
Hello, I'm Davis.

I am a seeker of profound connections, guiding others to discover the depths of their own spirituality and inner wisdom.

Hello. My name is Davis (they/them). I began my personal development journey just over 20 years ago when I found myself alone in London over the winter break and voraciously seeking connection to something greater than myself. I chanced upon a metaphysical and spirituality shop in Covent Garden and was drawn to two books - Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God and Reiki Healer by Lawrence Ellyard. Having never heard about Reiki before and having had a tumultuous relationship with the Christian religion and God, I wasn’t sure where these books were going to lead me.

Now a qualified reflexologist, yoga practitioner, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Coach, I still find myself actively wanting to connect, and help others to connect too, with an energy that is greater than that which we have within ourselves. Blending learnings from the last 20 years, I help people heal and find understandings from within themselves and new pathways to deeper and more meaningful connections for their relationships with self and others.